
To function reliably, Driver-Assistance (ADAS) systems and Mobility-as-a-Service applications require integrated exterior microphones that deliver life-of-vehicle performance in terms of:

  • consistent high-quality acoustics, with minimal insertion loss and excellent distortion-resistance at both high and low temperatures.
  • durable IP6K8 protection against ingress of dust, dirt and water, as well as protection against ingress of automotive fluids and oils.

GORE Acoustic Vents enable a new level of performance, on both counts, because these vents integrate Gore’s expertise in acoustic venting of mobile electronics, with our decades of experience providing innovative venting solutions to automotive OEMs and Tiers.

Performance Summary: GORE Acoustic Vents for Exterior Microphones

GORE Acoustic Vents for automotive applications (AVS 700 and AVS 701) are manufactured in IATF-certified facilities and are validated for life-of-vehicle durability in operating temperatures from -40 °C to +105 °C.

They also provide life-of-vehicle protection even in challenging on-road environments:

  • IP6K8 protection against dust and water (2 meters/1 hour), per ISO 20653
  • Oleophobic protection against ingress of common automotive fluids and oils

Acoustic testing* demonstrates very low insertion loss through the audible frequency range:

  • < 2 dB change through 1.5 kHz
  • < 3 dB change through 5 kHz

* Using analog MEMS microphone, 1 mm from vent with 1 mm diameter acoustic opening. Design of assembled device will affect performance.

Data sheet thumbnail GORE® Acoustic Vents AVS 700 and AVS 701
Consistent acoustic transparency with reliable, life-of-vehicle protection.
Download our Data Sheet for more detailed product information.


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