Case Study: Filtering Grindings of Titanium Dioxide using GORE® Filter Bags

Case Studies, Englisch
Bag life is now between 9 and 18 months, as opposed to the previous 2-4 months. Energy savings due to low DP is about $2,000/year. Emissions are virtually non-detectable with 0% opacity. Improved product recovery provided over $10,000/year of additional salable products. Less downtime and improved airflow equated to a production increase of over 10%.
Southern United States – Flex-Kleen Trap 10 collector - 120 - 8' bags. Design flow approximately 3,000 cfm at 180ºF and air-to-cloth ratio of 2.
Optimization Potential
- Blinding, reduced production due to airflow restriction.
- Product contamination due to secondary cake remaining in place.
- Maximum bag life four months; average two months.
Installed a full set of GORE® membrane/heavy-duty polyester felt filter bags.
Bag life is now between 9 and 18 months, as opposed to the previous 2-4 months. Energy savings due to low DP is about $2,000/year. Emissions are virtually non-detectable with 0% opacity. Improved product recovery provided over $10,000/year of additional salable products. Less downtime and improved airflow equated to a production increase of over 10%.
Not for use in food, drug, cosmetic or medical device manufacturing, processing, or packaging operations.