
Alle Infos zu allen Produkten.

Gore's innovative battery insulation material helps prevent thermal runaway in BESS modules, outperforming thicker alternatives and supporting higher energy density. Easy to install and non-particulating, it resists compression, ensuring consistent thermal protection throughout the battery's lifetime. (NOTE: Not a commercially available product. Contact Gore for sample information.)

Protect your battery modules, like those used in BESS installation, from moisture damage and contamination. Learn how GORE® Protective Vents can prevent ingress and safeguard against early component failure. Presented at the International Battery Seminar & Exhibit March 2025.

Gore Acoustic Design Guide PDF Thumbnail

기기 보호와 음향 성능 간의 최적의 밸런스를 달성하기 위해서는 다양한 요소를 고려한 적절한 음향 설계가 필요합니다. 본 가이드를 통해 음향 설계에 대한 보다 자세한 내용을 확인하십시오.



GORE® Protective Vents - Adhesive Series - Quality Assurance Testing (287 KB)  Gore Vents Datasheet

Multiple testing processes ensure the quality and reliability of Adhesive vents: membrane tests for air flow and water entry pressure, lot testing of finished product dimensions and adhesive bond, and a manual, visual inspection of every part.




Various Protective Vents products


GORE® Protective Vents - Adhesive Series - Quality Assurance Testing (287 KB)  Gore Vents Datasheet


GORE® Protective Vents - Adhesive Series - Quality Assurance Testing (287 KB)  Gore Vents Datasheet
